For the past 30 years, private funds have become a critical part of the global financial fabric, and have taken a lead role in channeling capital to investment opportunities and markets once served by traditional commercial banks and investment banks. From seed financing to late stage pre-IPO financing, funds fill important components of the capital stack, real estate funds finance large scale commercial and residential properties, and hedge funds provide market liquidity to help keep financial markets running. These trends are likely to continue as fund sponsors manage larger and larger pools of capital, and the fund sector becomes increasingly global. This is precisely where experienced and seasoned legal advice is critical.
Fund formation is the cornerstone of our practice at Perricone Law. We have formed funds of every variety including hedge funds, private equity funds, venture capital funds, and real estate funds - as well as many specialty funds investing in unique and discreet asset classes - many of which are among the largest and most successful funds in the world with tens of billions of dollars in assets under management. Whether using on-shore, off-shore, side-by-side, master-feeder structures, or using separately managed accounts for institutional investors, or whether you are looking to form your first fund or your tenth fund, our collective legal experience can assist in navigating the appropriate path to a successful launch.